Welcome,on this site I show you some pictures I made with my Fujifilm Finepix S6500fd. The pictures shall be helpful for those who are interested in this camera and look out for picture examples taken in different situations.The second focus is my collection of tips and tricks to make the handling of the camera easier. Thie includes frequently asked questions to accessories. A little collection of links completes the page. (For those of you who don't want to read too much you find here the table of content, the others may read some more about my site. All of you should at least read the " How to" use the picture drawers to get the most out of them.) Actual Items Since the camera is established there are not so many news. So my blog ist closed, but this site will be updated when neccessary. The Pictures The examples do not claim to be very good pictures but are shot "as is". All pictures in the testdrawers are shot hands free, except the first picture in "innen". In "fotos" this has changed in the meantime. At the beginning I took many pictures uising automatic mode or program mode to fix a given ISO value. In the meantime I recieved good results with the controlled use of the different picture programs, thanks to the tips in "Tips and Tricks". I selected pictures that everybody could have made with little effort but ambitioned interest. If this is true for you you may get a realistic impression on how your pictures could come out. The Drawers General: If you leave the picture drawers you will be lead to the german pages. I do not know how to handle that in a convenient way for english as well for german speaking readers, so, please, klick the english version again. In the text-pages everything should work fine. In the drawer "fotos" I will change or add pictures from time to time, the other drawers will remain as they are. You find a few words on the drawers later and maybe you want to read my "howto" to find uncompressed and unprocessed originals as far as I put them on my site. The Links In "Links" I added some links to sites that were helpful for me to find my decision, in the meantime there are also some reviews. I will also give some hints on the programs I use to process my pictures and to create galleries and this page. At last I could not resist to note a few tips on how to find YOUR camera ;-) Thank you! Here I would like to thank you for your friendly mails and comments. They show me that the interest on the Fuji is there and my page ist helpful for some of you :-) And, of course, they are my motivation to keep this page somehow actual. And now have fun with the pics. Content General remarks to the shooting conditions "How to" use the picture pages The Drawers - fotos - innen - iso - makro - sharf - tele Me Disclaimer Comments or suggestions are welcome m.hensche@gmx.de Kind regards Michael ![]() PS: since I am a native german speaker you may apologize if my english is not perfect. Back to Top |
General remarks to the shooting conditionsI tried to take pictures in sunny and cloudy weather, inside of buildings and outdoors, with and without flash to cover as many situations as possible. I mixed nature, buildings, people and animals.I also selected "bad" pictures intentionally so everyone can see what is possible and where are the limits since I do not want to force a certain view on the camera. All pictures were captured with 6 MP, normal compression and standard sharpness (except drawer "scharf" what means sharp). Overall I am impressed by the Fuji since it makes great pictures with requiring relatively small knowledge. Autofocus is fast and accurate, exposure does a decent job. The zoom together with the sensitive chip opens a wide range of situations to capture. Below you find some more detailed remarks to the S6500fd. Back to Top |
How to use the picture pagesIn the drawers you find left handed the thumbnails (except in "fotos", see there). The very left handed thumbnail is for the whole picture, the thumb on the right side is for a crop of the same picture (for small bandwidths).Click on the thumbnail to see a larger preview, click on the larger preview to load the original. The original fits into the browser window when loaded and can be enlarged with a click if the mouse pointer shows a + symbol. This is at last to see the 1:1 resolution. Besides the bigger preview you will find a small camera icon. Click to see the EXIF data. Notice: the EXIF size references the original. The original has habout 1,5 MB of size, the crop about 300 KB. Back to Top |
Drawer "fotos"Here I will add new pictures every now and then.Since the standard sharpening results in relatively soft pictures there is room for post processing. I always do pp so I am very satisfied with standard sharpening and did not test the stronger or softer sharpening modes. In this drawer you find most pictures with slight post processing. This shall work as a comparison against the absolutely unprocessed testing pictures to show the potential. The other pictures just show some more different light and situations. In "fotos" I chose another galery which has its own helpfile. The pictures in this drawer scale automatically to the browsers windows size. Note: in some forum you can read that compared to the F30 the pictures of the S6500fd were "oversharpened". I do not own a F30, but I find as I said before, the sharpening to be rather soft. At higher ISOs "oversharpening" may be true since noise might be more obvious than with the F30. Additional Remark 2007: since I always post process my pictures, I switched to "soft" setting in the meantime. It provides most potiencial for post processing. For pictures "straigtht out of the camera" for most of you "standard" might be a good choice. Try it out! Back to Top |
Drawer "innen" (what means "inside")I selected some "bad" shots from inside churches and rooms, mostly without flash. ISO noise at 1600 and 3200 can be seen very well. And they are snapshots, made in modes "Automatic" or "Available light" by me ore somebody else not knowing the camera. Except the first they are all shot free handed. So everybody may feel free to decide how "bad" these pictures are. Intelligent Flash The first six picturesshow the difference when using i-flash with different ISO settings. The ISO 400 pictures meet the real mood by adding ambient light for the cost of some more noise. The crops are for you "pixel peepers" ;-) Blurred children pictures In different forums people asked for inside shots of moving people (kids). So i convinced my daughter to play model and asked her, to jump around in the livingroom. I wanted to have a really difficult situation. You find the pictures in the drawer "innen". Light came from a cloudy morning. You see that in this situation you cannot expect miracles. It is hard to even focus a fast moving child in low light conditions. The pictures with ISO 3200 make this apparent. With flash and ISO400 the pictures are very usable in my opinion, fodussing remains challenging. Note 2007: In the meantime I know, inside shots are always a challenge. We tend to judge inside light situations brighter than they really are. So inside shots simply remain difficult. But, see my tips: flash is not evil. Back to Top |
Drawer "iso"Here are pictures from ISO 100 to ISO 3200.Back to Top |
Drawer "makro"Here are some macros, also with different ISO values. You find the zoom at wide and long end.I don't do macros often, so I am not used to it. I believe, without wind and using a tripod the results may even be better. Maybe I could havve come closer... Back to Top |
Drawer "scharf" (what means "sharp")In the meantime in-camera sharpening was discussed a lot, so I just wantet to know. I did testshots with ISO 100/400/800/1600/3200 and settings "soft", "normal/standard" and "hard".To compare you might have to download (download symbol in the upper right corner on each picture page) the pictures and flip them in a viewer since the difference can hardly be seen on the slides. Back to Top |
Drawer "tele"Here are pictures showing the same view with zoom at wide and long end.Back to Top |
The Author (that's me)Michael HenscheErkrather Straße 10 42329 Wuppertal m.hensche@gmx.de Back to Top |
DisclaimerAll rights reserved. No pictures or content may be used without my explicit permission. Downloading pictures to your private computer for comparing reasons is allowed.All links are selected carefully, but I take in no way any responsibilty for any content on linked pages. This is under complete responsibility of the specific provider. All used names and trademarks belong to the specific owners. Back to Top |